Getting Lean Tips

I would say that almost everyone’s path I cross would tell me that they would like to lose a few more pounds or inches or simply be leaner. Do you feel this way too? Here are some pointers to help you get started.

Perform Multi-Tasking Exercises

I call them multi-tasking because you are able to target several muscle groups with a single exercise. Some examples of these exercises and the muscles they target are:

  1. Push-ups, working the chest, triceps, deltoids, biceps, and abs
  2. Squats (varying varieties), works the glutes and thighs
  3. Pull-ups, works the back, deltoids, and biceps
  4. Planking, works the upper body and core (abdominals and back)

There are plenty more multi-tasking exercises to choose from and keep in mind they are great at maximizing your calorie burn!

Increase Your Cardiovascular Exercise

By upping your exercise and burning more calories you will be able to create a calorie deficit, thus allowing you to shed weight. A few ways to carry this out are:

  1. Add an extra day of cardio
  2. Increase the duration of your cardio by 5-10 minutes
  3. Increase the intensity
  4. Do something different that will challenge your body

Cut Back on Refined Carbohydrate Consumption

These foods mostly offer empty calories that are not only not satisfying and increase your appetite as well. Some examples of these foods are:

  1. White Bread
  2. Chips
  3. White Rice
  4. Fries
  5. Sweets

Replace the empty calories with more fresh produce, fiber and lean proteins. These foods slow down digestion and keep you feeling full longer and therefore you will eat less and consume less calories.

Minimize Bloating

Often people become used to inflammation and may not even notice the swelling in their abdomen. Here is a list of things you can do to decrease bloating:

  1. Add more fiber to your diet. It will keep you feeling full but also help keep you regular.
  2. Drink more water. Keeping your body hydrated will help eliminate waste and toxins.
  3. Reduce sodium intake. Sodium makes our cells hold on to water, giving you the swollen feeling.
  4. Eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than a few large, heavy meals.

By implementing these strategies, you will surely get leaner! The more changes you can make the quicker you will see results.

*Disclaimer: Individual weight loss results may vary and are dependent on many factors including the effort of the individual client.*

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Anu Morgan

Anu Morgan is a personal trainer who helps people reach their fitness goals. She specializes in weight loss but helps clients with a wide variety of challenges.

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