Getting Lean Tips

I would say that almost everyone’s path I cross would tell me that they would like to lose a few more pounds or inches or simply be leaner. Do you feel this way too? Here are some pointers to help you get started. Perform Multi-Tasking Exercises I call them multi-tasking because you are able to…

Overcoming Plateaus in your Training

Have you been working out really hard and following a strict eating plan and find yourself ‘stuck,’ not able to shed the weight you are wanting to? It’s possible that you have hit a plateau and it may not be for the reasons you think. Why Have You Hit a Plateau So what are the…

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What Foods May be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

I often have new clients come to me and...

Getting Lean Tips

I would say that almost everyone’s path I cross...

Are You Addicted to Sugar?

Some signs that you are relying on sugar for...

Healthy Snack Ideas

When I work with clients on improving their diets,...

What are ‘Whole Grains’ and Why Should I Eat Them?

For starters whole grains are plant seeds. The seed...

Fat Facts

Not all fat is created equally. Many often think...