Getting Lean Tips

I would say that almost everyone’s path I cross would tell me that they would like to lose a few more pounds or inches or simply be leaner. Do you feel this way too? Here are some pointers to help you get started. Perform Multi-Tasking Exercises I call them multi-tasking because you are able to…

10 Ways to Give Your Metabolism a Boost

We all want a faster metabolism! It is the answer to all the weight loss troubles. But how can you make your body burn calories at a faster rate? Unfortunately, we cannot change our genetics, gender, or age but we can do 10 things to improve our metabolism! Build Muscle – our bodies burn calories…

Tool for Fitness and Weight Loss

If you are wanting to check out your BMI, body shape, figure out your RMR (resting metabolic rate), the calories you should be eating to lose weight, your target heart rate when you exercise…check out this tool on WebMD!

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I often have new clients come to me and...

Getting Lean Tips

I would say that almost everyone’s path I cross...

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