We all want a faster metabolism! It is the answer to all the weight loss troubles. But how can you make your body burn calories at a faster rate? Unfortunately, we cannot change our genetics, gender, or age but we can do 10 things to improve our metabolism!
- Build Muscle – our bodies burn calories while at rest (resting metabolic rate) and the more muscle mass we have vs. fat mass, the more calories our body burns.
- Increase Workout Intensity – research shows that high intensity exercise revs up your metabolism for a longer period of time post workout vs. low intensity workouts. Try incorporating fast intervals into your cardio workouts.
- Eat in the Morning – have a balanced breakfast consisting of complex carbohydrates and protein within the first hour of waking up. Overnight your blood sugar levels drop and by bringing them up and keeping them stable throughout the day you will help rev up your metabolism.
- Eat Often – eating every 3-4 hours helps keep up your metabolism vs. eating large meals after several hours which slows the metabolism and results in larger, more calorie dense meals.
- Keep Hydrated – research has shown that if you are slightly dehydrated your metabolism may slow down. Try to drink 8 or more glasses of water a day.
- Increase Your Protein Intake – your body burns more calories digesting protein vs. carbohydrates or fats. Eat healthy protein options such as, lean meats, fish, beans, eggs, nuts, and greek yogurt.
- Drink Coffee – though temporary, the caffeine provides a rise in metabolic rate.
- Drink Green Tea – the caffeine and antioxidants increase your metabolism.
- Sleep – a lack of it results in poor food choices and a lack of exercise. More specifically, sleep deprivation has an effect on two major hormones, ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin tells you when you are hungry/when to eat and when sleep deprived, ghrelin levels increase. Leptin, on the other hand, tells you when you are full/when to stop eating and with a lack of sleep leptin levels drop.
- Avoid Super Low Calorie Diets – diets less than 1200 calories for women and less than 1500-1800 for men can slow down the metabolism as your body goes into ‘starvation’ mode, conserving all calories consumed.
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Anu Morgan
Anu Morgan is a personal trainer who helps people reach their fitness goals. She specializes in weight loss but helps clients with a wide variety of challenges.
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