1. How long will it take to see results?

That will vary depending on several factors. It will come down to how many days a week you are lifting weights, doing cardiovascular exercise, and other physical activities and at what intensity.

2. Will lifting weights cause me to “bulk up?”

This is a common misconception among many women, which should be the least of their concerns. Fat takes up five times the amount of space as muscle and by replacing fat with muscle, you will actually be smaller, yet firmer. And to put all the bulking up concerns to rest, women simply DO NOT have the high amounts of testosterone to sustain that type of muscle size.

3. Can you spot reduce fat?

This is another common myth.  To burn up fat requires cardiovascular exercise. Isolated exercises for a particular region of the body will help tone that area, but will NOT remove the fat in that area.  Bottom line – your diet will play a key role in eliminating fat from problem areas as well.

4. Why do I need to lift weights?  I’m trying to lose weight so shouldn’t I just do cardiovascular exercise?

Lifting weights is essential because it helps you gain muscle mass which in turn increases your metabolism. This will help you to burn more calories, both while exercising and at rest. Also, cardio alone will not sculpt your body or provide the benefits of weight bearing exercise.

5. As long as I reduce calories, will I lose weight?

Often, the body will go into “starvation” mode if not enough calories are consumed.  This will cause your body to slow your metabolism and burn calories at a slower rate. Ultimately, your body might start burning lean muscle mass instead of fat reserves. This is a common reason for the “yo-yo” effect of many crash diets.

6. Are supplements necessary or helpful?

Most Americans find it difficult to consume sufficient nutrients from their diet alone and so a multivitamin is really necessary. Additional needs for supplements vary depending on your individual diet and health status.  Also most people find it difficult to consume enough protein for the results they seek.  Supplementation with high quality whey protein can be very beneficial.

7. Which is better – morning cardio or evening?

Simply getting the cardio done is what is most important.  Some studies show that working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach results in more of a fat burn. However, many people don’t have the energy to give it their all on an empty stomach.  So you should really just stick with whatever works best for you.

8. How much cardio is needed to lose weight?

You should do cardio a minimum of five times a week for 30 minutes per session.  Many people will not be able to do this at first, but will be able to build up to it.  For best results you should keep your workouts challenging as your body adapts to them.

9. How often should I lift weights?

It depends on what your goals are.  If you are looking to just add some muscle and help improve bone density you should lift a minimum of two times per week.

10. Is it necessary to eliminate carbs in order to lose weight?

Definitely not! Carbohydrate (simple carbs) reduction will help with weight loss but it will be necessary to keep some carbs (complex carbs) in your diet.  The brain thrives on carbs for fuel and also your muscles need carbs to refuel your glycogen stores post-workout.

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